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PAGE Miscellaneous: Information system - IHBIS
Telemedicine at the Institute Links



IHBIS is an integrated hospital and business information system which is used at the Oncology Institute of Vojvodina, which covers all medical and commercial aspects of the business: the hospital, clinics, diagnostics and therapy, laboratories, nursing, pharmacy, billing, invoicing, financial and material commerce, bookkeeping, customers and suppliers, the procurement.

The most important element of the system is an electronic patient record, where you can find all relevant medical data (text data, medical images ...), and allows a comfortable and easy work to every doctor and nurse.

IHBIS is an integrated system consisted of the following subsystems: BIRPIS21 (HIS-Hospital information system), LIRPIS (Pharmacy information system), RAF (Billing), L@B-IS (Laboratory information system), RIS (Radiology information system together with PACS-Picture Archiving and Communication System) and MS DYNAMICS NAV (MS NAVISION) (BIS-Business information system (ERP)).

Technical characteristikcs of IHBIS as brief presentation can be found here

IHBIS is designed and implemented by European Union standards (CEN 12967-1 HISA).
IHBIS is made in cooperation of the following companies: Execom (Novi Sad, Serbia), Adacta-Execom (Belgrade, Serbia), Infonet (Kranj, Slovenia) and Fin-Pro (Ljubljana, Slovenia).

Production day of IHBIS was 16th April 2007 when started official use of the system.

Hospital information system BirPis21 (product of company SRC Infonet) was certificated with certificate EuroRec Seal Level 2 by EUROREC on 6th December 2010. (for Republic of Serbia, earlier it was certificated for Slovenia)

With this certificate, Hospital information system BirPis21, which is used at the Oncology Institute of Vojvodina, recommends itself for certifiaction by competent commission of Republic of Serbia's Ministry of Health as well.

The EUROREC Institute (EuroRec) is an independent not-for-profit organisation, promoting in Europe the use of high quality Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs). One of its main missions is to support, as the European authorised certification body, EHRs certification development, testing and assessment by defining functional and other criteria..

Certificate is a verification to the quality of the electronic health system (EHR).


Computer center (the first name was the Department of Informatics and documentation) was founded in 1991 with the main task to develop and maintain an integrated hospital-business information system and offers support to its users.
In 1999, the Computer center was divided into two divisions: telemedicine division and the division of informatics and documentation. At the time, it employed 2 engineers with degree in Electrotechnical Engineering:
Dubravka Striber Devaja, Head of division of informatics and documentation and
Svetozar Zdravković, Head of telemedicine division.
Both employees are experts for hospital information systems (designing and implementation) and computer network.

Since 2014, Computer center belongs to Department for technical affairs and it is divided into two divisions: division for functionality of technologically advanced medical equipment and division for computer guided technologically advanced medical equipment and information systems.
With diversification of the activities and responsibilities, it receives appropriate additional human resources.

1991 to 1992 planning operation and development of the computer center.
1992 to 1996 informatical support to medical staff in presenting results of their work through professional, master's and doctoral's articles and theses.
1993 designing and implementing software for automatization of Cancer registry of the Province of Vojvodina - REGMAN 1.0, done by computer center.
1996 connecting to the Internet and making the first web site of the Institute.
1996 preliminary design of hospital information system (HIS) is made by the Faculty of Technical Science, Novi Sad.
1996 designing and implementing upgraded version of software automatization of Cancer registry of the Province of Vojvodina - REGMAN 2.0, done by computer center.
1997 detailed design of computer local area network was made.
1999 1st phase of building of computer local area network (pasive network - cabling, racks,...) was done.
1999 designing and implementing software for automatization of Hospital registry - HOREG 1.0, done by computer center.
1999 computer center was awarded the annual prize Diskobolos for the development of software for cancer registry by JISA (Unified Informatics Society of Serbia).
1999 to 2001 computer center uses telemedicine services teleconsultation, teleeducation and telediagnostics in everyday practise (one of sucessful cases: videoconferencing using personal computers via ISDN: video transfer of laparoscopic oncology surgery from General hospital in Subotica to Oncology Institute of Vojvodina in purpose of consultations, diagnostics and education).
2000 2nd phase of building of computer local area network (active network - swithes and other network devices) was done.
2000 computer center was awarded the annual prize Diskobolos for the development of telemedicine and multimedial interactive communication in Internet environment by JISA (Unified Informatics Society of Serbia).
2001 Oncology Institut of Vojvodina and computer center organized international expert meeting "Telemedicne" in Monastery Studenica (Serbia), which attended the experts from Germany, Italy, USA, Poland, Russia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Serbia.
2002 computer center was awarded the special prize Grand Prix Diskobolos for outstanding contribution to the continuity of application of ICT by JISA (Unified Informatics Society of Serbia).
2003 started preparation for development of integrated hospital-business information system IHBIS (contacting potential partners and becoming familiar with informatics market offers).
2004 computer center was awarded the prize for outstanding contribution to the development of medical informatics by JISA (Unified Informatics Society of Serbia).
2004 making business contacts with potential partners for development and implementation of IHBIS.
2005 the selection of partners for the development and implementation of IHBIS through public procurement and realization of public procurement.
2006 development of IHBIS with partners.
2007 completion of IHBIS development and its production.
since 2007 maintance and upgrading IHBIS

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Oncology Institute of Vojvodina
Put doktora Goldmana 4
21204 Sremska Kamenica